Metainformationen zur Seite

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Typ Signatur
Stufe 15
Art Fledermaus
Region Alter Wald
Koordinaten 34.9S, 58.1W
Hinweis Es gibt 2 Platzhalter für diesen Gegner.
1. „statischer“ Gegner (34.9S, 58.1W)
2. Roamer - Spawns @ 35.1S, 58.5W - Roams around Willow Glade,exits to the north and turns west into Dark-paw Vale, loops halfway to the sawmp (where the bears start). Then turns and heads back out past Willow Glade heading east to Weeping Water.It paths south though this area and back west into the south end of Willow Glade.

zurück zu Saphir-Splitter oder Breeland