Metainformationen zur Seite
Typ | Signatur |
Stufe | 18 |
Moral | |
Kraft | |
Gattung | |
Art | Wolf |
Region | Wetterberge |
Koordinaten | 28.6S, 41.6W |
Hinweis | Es gibt 3 Erscheinungspunkte für diesen Gegner. 1) Statischer Punkt (28.6S, 41.6W) spawn in Den @ listed ;loc near Weatherway bridge 2) Wandernder (29.2S, 41.7W) - Spawns in valley west of the bridge, it paths under the bridge and loops up the hill towards the bridge but continues over the hill going west back to its spawn point. 3) Wandernder (29.1S, 41.3W) - Spawn is not verified, on the south side of the bridge. Roams over the bridge to the orc camp ontop of the hill and back. |
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